Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Task Master

Well my career as a stripper is over before it started. A wallpaper stripper, that is.

Could not get the DIF method to work so it looks like I will be using a vacation day Monday to rent a "steamer" that helps it along much better than my spray, scrape and strip method. We shall see. So with that task on the backburner, you'd think I just relaxed away the day.


Woke up when Carter nudged me at 6:50 a.m. to help him tie his tie for school. Then, naturally, I couldn't fall asleep. So I got my "Saturday chores" done after breakfast -- as in last Saturday since I am that far behind. Then I sent hubby and my father-in-law off to golf while I went to the eye doctor. I had a feeling they were going to dilate my pupils for the exam so I did not want to try and golf after that.

The sacrifices we make.

Had an interesting time with the eye doctor. He warned me 9 years ago when I had Lasik surgery that eventually, probably in my early 40s, I'd need reading glasses and maybe more. Well the time has come for that. I can use the "reader cheaters" you buy at Wal-Mart and that's fine. My concern has been night driving and not seeing things too clearly. Turns our the astigmatism that haunted my childhood and early adulthood is sneaking its way back. Grr. So I will be getting "driving glasses" for night-time navigating. That's a good thing as far as I'm concerned.

With that task out of the way, I stopped at the Post Office to get Christmas stamps, then went home and made some treats for my contribution to this weekend's cookie bake. So far I have the chocolate mint cookies my friend Julie and I made, plus some other cookies I made up and then the treat today I created. Maybe I'll take some pictures and share the recipes one of these days. I still am not done with my cookie treats so I will have to tackle some tasks in the morning.

This afternoon, since it was the perfect 60-degree golfing day, I got out for a run anyway before we went browsing at Home Depot for bathroom flooring and cabinetry (oh, and paint), then grocery shopping. By the time that was done, it was time to get Carter so I let Jim do that while I started supper. We had an early supper of pancakes and sausage -- sometimes breakfast is the best meal of the day at any time of the day!

Carter and I went to 6:30 Thanksgiving Eve church, where part of the service included that Heroes of Faith video I helped with and the other part of the service, well, AFTER service, included a pie social. Can't beat that! I steered clear of the pumpkin just in case I get my hands on a piece tomorrow!

Got home from church and headed back out on the date with hubby. We went to Rusty's Backwater Saloon near Stevens Point to hear his high school classmate Kathy sing with a country/rock band called Swamp Donkey. Don't ask. She doesn't even know what that's supposed to mean!

She is an awesome singer so we had a great time listening to great music. Yes, I felt old with all the college "kids" out and about, but at least we felt "cool" knowing someone in the band! Ha.

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