Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Morning After

The morning after the elections dawned foggy and dreary. The sun never peeked out from behind the clouds all day. So I picked a random vacation photo to spread some sunshine!

Did it work?

This was taken in the quaint little hamlet of Jay, New York. I actually took this next to or out the window of the covered bridge there. I was so excited to see a few leaves had finally changed color that I had to somehow frame them in a shot.

It sure brightened my day today. Not that it was personally as dreary as my surroundings.

I actually took a half day of vacation and squeezed it into the middle of the day, 10:30-2:30. I went down to Waupaca to see my hair artist Rachel, who fixed me up good with some fall color. Across the street is DQ, so I swung in there to grab a 10-pack to go... of Dilly Bars. Dropped that off at my pink-ribbon-survivor friend Karen's with some cookies I made. It was so nice to have a few hours of "girl time" with some great "girls"!

And there was more of that to come.

After work, we picked up Carter at school, ran a few errands in town and got home by 6:30. My friend Becky stopped by later to drop off some essential scrapbooking supplies (her Cricut cartridges and mine) and we had a nice visit.

I can't tell you how enjoyable it was to see old friends. A nice, peaceful, post-election quiet time.

Of course, it helped that the phone is no longer ringing off the hook with computer-automated special messages. I wonder if we'll ever be that popular again!

I can live without it. Can you?

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