Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving Thanks

I made this little graphic for my Facebook page to illustrate that I may be thankful for many things, but most importantly, I am thankful for the people in my life. Family and friends I hold dear.

Of course, I don't have photos of everyone so this is the tip of the iceberg. That's what's so amazing! I can't believe I would ever have a bad day or anything to complain about when I have all these people in my life and my heart... plus my church family, my school family, my sports family, my work family, etc.

Lucky me!

Today I also have to give thanks for a perfect Thanksgiving Day! Oh not perfect in the mind of a mighty hunter who wants snow to track deer, but perfect for a sun-worshipper like me!

The temps were 60-ish again so after I got my salad made for dinner and my last Christmas Cookie Bake items made, I went for a 3-mile run in shorts and short sleeves, then relaxed in a lawn chair for half an hour in the sun.

Oh yes I did!

That's my kind of Thanksgiving! Especially when I've learned my family in northern Wisconsin and in Minnesota have 2 inches of snow or so. Keep it! (And please be gone when we drive up there tomorrow!)

The day was capped off by a great meal at Jim's parents. His sister and her family were there and Casey was home from college to join us. I am still so full I can't imagine having to eat until Sunday. But of course, I will. I saw a cute cartoon today that said, "It's the holiday season: Don't forget to set your scales back 10 pounds tonight!" No kidding.

Right now, as I digest and blog, Carter is feverishly cleaning the basement in hopes we'll buy a ping-pong table on Black Friday. I can tell you right now, I am not going to any store tonight to get nearly trampled like last year. And I may set an alarm, but not before 6 a.m. And there will be no ping-pong table purchased on Black Friday.

But I certainly won't tell him that until he's got the basement cleaned! Ha.

I am also thankful today for my wisdom. Maybe manipulative wisdom, but it's getting some cleaning out of a teenager. Can't beat that for a finale to a beautiful day.

Thank the Lord!

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