Monday, February 25, 2013

Home Stretch

Breaking news.... There are three -- count them, three -- people in this house. And it's going to stay that way for awhile.

For now, hubby's work travel is done and my scrapping weekend is done, so we are a family under one roof. Yay!

When I talked to Jim last night, I told him I had more than 50 pages done and he said I couldn't come home until I had 72 pages done! Does he realize that making me stay longer at Camp Crop-A-Lot is not a terrible punishment? As it was, I did end up with 73 pages done for the weekend, which reflects grades 1 through 4. Can I get another YAY?

Here are a few photo highlights... (I will take some pictures of favorite pages at some point, too):

The rule of thumb is everyone is comfortable -- that means jammies or swearts or yoga pants... and slippers! Gotta love these hungry lion slippers my friend Andrea was wearing. I had to take a picture for my sister Rayna, another lion lover!
It's quite fitting that Julie and I met in 3rd grade on a field trip to the Shrine Circus. Now she has become part of the Scrappin' Circus (see controlled chaos in background)! Actually, it really was great that even though our lives and schedules have become a circus, we made the time for this special weekend.
My friend Becky (far right) organizes this annual event with 2 other women. She wanted a picture of "her people" and we had a devil of a time finding an angle where the sun reflecting off the snow wasn't killing our eyes! Here we are all squinting like crazy and when I zoom in on each face it just makes me laugh out loud. What a great group.
Monday morning: That awkward moment when you realize that all your table mates are gone so ALL the "stuff" spilling over 3 tables is yours! If you can believe it, I was packed up in 15 minutes! Experience, my friends. Experience.

So now that I am home, I've got some laundry and sleep to catch up on. Plus I had the guys DVR the Oscars for me so I am going to try to squeeze a 3-hour show into one hour.

After squeezing all that stuff into my vehicle, I'm feeling pretty confident.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Robyn, I love the lion slippers, which reminds me....where in the world did my lion slippers go? Rayna