Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sleeping Beauties

There's been somewhat of a shortage of sleep around here. For us princesses anyway.

Thursday night was a late night because we were out of town for a basketball game then had to get up at 5 on Friday to get Carter to school by 6 for Solo & Ensembles. Then Friday night we were down at the neighbors' talking stupid 'til 2 a.m. Saturday.

Yesterday, while I really wanted to sleep in, hubby got up at 9 to go to work and I just couldn't fall back to sleep. I was thinking of all the stuff I had to do. So instead of staying in bed, I did them. It was a productive day. I made my Amish Friendship Bread butterscotch muffins (I am ending that cycle for awhile), did my Saturday cleaning chores and got our tax stuff together for our accountant. All that and Carter still slept.

But he had a good reason. He had an overnight lock-in at the school last night so he wanted to sleep as late as possible Saturday. He did. He got up at 3 p.m. Wow. Don't remember the last time I did that unless I was sick!

On the plus side, he can brag that he managed to stay up all night last night! We had arranged that I would go get him at 7 a.m. this morning when it was done, but he texted me at 6:15 to see when I was coming. Oh no worries. I like getting up early these days... especially when it is 12 below zero out!

So I pick him up and he said he had fun. He was kind of wired still so he said he was going to just stay up all day. I, on the other hand, crawled back into my warm bed and fell asleep until 11. I really, really, really needed that!

Carter did make it until 4 p.m. and then said he wanted to just lay down for an hour or so. Bad idea. He slept for probably 90 minutes. Now, a few hours later and he is still out of it. That's what happens. There is a trick to naps. Everyone has their "just right amount" of time for it to both rest them and refresh them. Going on no sleep then sleeping hard for more than an hour didn't cut it.

I imagine he'll fall asleep pretty easily later -- after he does his homework in Zombie Land. Tomorrow, since there is no public school, Carter needs a ride. I think it's Dad's turn since I went this morning. That would be a good thing. I can't imagine how difficult it will be just to wake him up. Probably a bit like waking the dead.

Too bad we don't have a Princess Charming to give him a kiss!

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