Sunday, February 10, 2013

Slippery-Do-Dah... Slippery Day...

I saw the weather "advisory" last night predicting freezing rain from around noon-6 p.m. today. So I made sure I got up for 8 o'clock church so I'd be home safe and sound in plenty of time.

Good plan.

All I had was one stop at Wal-Mart. Apparently, I wasn't the only one. Ran into several people I knew and had a nice long chat with Carter's former babysitters, too. While I was dilly-dallying around, I had no idea the freezing rain had started early. Well, earlier than predicted.

Good thing a guy coming into the store warned me on my way out that it was slippery already. My shopping cart became my life line between me and my car! Yup, it was definitely icing up. The roads were slick but I thankfully made it home OK and so did hubby.

Since we were "trapped" at home all day, he had plenty of time to pack for his next trip. (He'll be gone to Denver from Monday to Wednesday, visiting a good friend from high school and seeing The Who in concert!)

We also had time to play some cards. We each won a game of 3 to 13 and I left it at that. It's so rare I beat him, I didn't want to push my luck. After that fun, I spent some time in the kitchen making some Valentine treats for work (or whomever) and making chili for supper. Somewhere in there, I also finished a book for an upcoming book club visit. And edited some stories for work.

Now it's time to sit down and watch the Grammys and hope I can at least count on one hand how many "artists" I know. Just not hip enough any more.

I'm pretty sure the only thing cool around here is the thick layer of ice on the driveway.

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