Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love Will Keep Us Together

We heard Captain & Tennille singing "Love Will Keep Us Together" on the radio on the way home from a basketball game tonight. It's a good thing love will do that because we certainly can't rely on Cupid.

Today, for example, you would have thought Cupid called in sick and sent in Santa and Jack Frost to do his job. We really didn't need another 3 inches of snow or so overnight. I was not feeling the love when I was snowblowing on my "lunch hour" -- even if I was doing it to be nice to my Valentine!

Overall, it was a different Valentine's Day. We exchanged a few gifts before Jim headed off to work and Carter went to school. I worked at home today since I had what turned out to be two appointments with Dr. Fun. I suppose I should have given him a Valentine! But while I wasn't exactly loving what he was putting me through, I can say I love the results of his exams, extractions and tests. I am in good health! Whew.

After we picked Carter up from school, we stopped to get a heart-shaped pizza at Rocky Roccoco's. I even got a nice red heart balloon, too. We ate and headed up to Auburndale to watch the Assumption girls (conference champs!) play and keep their undefeated streak alive.

It was the closest, most intense game of the season. Tied after the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarters. With less than 15 seconds left, we managed to get 2 free throws in so we led by 4. That was enough to do it and we won 45-41! Worth the road trip!

At some point during the game, Carter handed me a frosted, heart-shaped cookie and says, "Happy Valentine's Day, Mom." I say, "Oh cute, where did you get this?" The typical teenage boy responds with a sarcastic, "Off the floor in the boys' bathroom."

Well, the sentiment was there. Right?

Like I said, good thing LOVE will keep us together because we can't always rely on cookies or pizza or a good basketball game.

Some days, they are a nice bonus, though! Hope you felt some love today, too!!

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