Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super What?

OK, as I start this blog there's a power outage delaying the game. When it comes back on, I may not even watch any more. I am surprisingly disinterested this year.

Maybe it has something to do with my whole day being off-kilter. I set my alarm to get up for 8 a.m. church today. But I realized when I rolled over at 7:54 a.m. that I forgot to turn it on. Whoops. So I went to 10:30 church and saw a whole new crowd. Well, there were a few familiar faces but now I know there is rarely much crossover between the two services. Oddly, a person gets in a rut and sticks with what they know.

After church, we had a little time to relax before heading to our annual Super Bowl party at our friend Chet's house. He's been doing this party for so long, you really better have a good reason not to show up. It's tradition. Even though his basement lacks a bit of space and HDTVs.

But it does not lack for food, beer and good company.

Got to catch up with my friend Christine, who I don't see often enough. And see a lot of the guys we normally only see during "racing season."

We had planned ahead to leave at halftime since Jim has to wake up at 2 a.m. or so and catch his ride to the airport at 3 a.m. When we got home and saw there was a power outage at the game, he figured it was as good a time as any to hit the hay.

Carter, on the other hand, sat on the couch through all that even though he could have been getting his reading homework done. Instead I have to come home and start nagging right away. He ignores me anyway and we'll go through our familiar routine of him staying up past all our bedtimes to get his homework done and me having to drag his tired butt out of bed in the morning.

It's no wonder Daddy doesn't mind these work trips!

That and the fact it is going to be cold and/or snowy again while he's gone... and highs close to 80 down in San Antonio. I'm guessing he cares less about the Super Bowl than I do right now.

At least with our new cable system, I can rewind and check out all the commercials I missed.

Whoops... I was just informed by the couch potato that the game is getting close again. Maybe I better check it out after all!

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