Saturday, July 6, 2013

No Place Like Home

We're not in Ar-KANSAS any more. We are, thankfully, home sweet home -- and safely!

I have so much about our mission trip to share through words and pictures. However, right now, after 16 hours of driving over the past 2 days, plus an hour of unpacking and 3 loads of laundry between Carter and me, I haven't the time or strength tonight.

I will say this -- Pastor Josh and I both considered the trip a huge success. Success in terms of what we accomplished, what we learned, what "our kids" learned, how we helped the community, how we changed other lives, how we changed our own, how God worked through all of us.

It was incredible!

Right now, however, my nice hot shower and nice soft bed are calling me. I really should give them some attention. Oh, and hubby, too. That goes without saying!

There's no place like home.

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