Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Smart phones are so smart these days they can finish your thoughts for you!

For example, you can send a text and it will assume the word you are trying to type and fill in the blanks. It's called "auto correct" so you trust it to be correct. And sometimes you are in a hurry so you don't even glance at the words, you just assume it's correct and hit send.

Never assume.

When you discover the auto correct was incorrect, it takes twice as long to send your message because you are explaining the mistake!

Sometimes, though, it is hilarious. Confusing but amusing.

Last week I was telling a friend about kickboxing class and meant to say something about not showing until 5:20 because there is a class until then. But my "because" was replaced with "nevus." So my friend thought the instructor's name was Nevus. Ha.

What the heck IS nevus? Well, according to my online dictionary: a birthmark or a mole on the skin, esp. a birthmark in the form of a raised red patch.

At least we know the smart phone has an in-depth dictionary!

Tonight, though, was the funniest. A friend, who shall remain anonymous (see how I protect her identity in the photo below?) had an appointment so we knew she would be late to Book Club. About the time we were going to get going on the discussion, I thought I'd check on her status.

This was our brief conversation...

Ohmigosh. I laughed so hard I couldn't even read it out loud to the group!

Granted, she did just have her eyes dilated. But I suspect she just thought she was typing ShopKo and hit send without looking. We got a good chuckle out of that and gave her some grief when she did finally arrive.

With no bail money required.

It'll make me look twice before I hit SEND. Probably should proof my blogs better before I hit SAVE as well. Unless it's funny, then I meant it on purpose. :)

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