Saturday, September 5, 2015

Sources of Joy

It seems the only time I have time for yard work, it is a holiday weekend and it is hot and humid. Today, it was 86 degrees by noon. I wisely decided to skip any yard work, except for watering the flowers hanging on for dear life, and stay inside.

Finally got my Saturday chores done from last Saturday. Ha. My very own Daily Double!

Then had a very nice conversation – nice AND entertaining – with my mom.

She was so excited to tell me about her new car. Well, new to her. Mom is 83 years old and this is the first time she has purchased a vehicle. "Your dad always made those decisions," she said. "But I have always enjoyed looking through the Advertiser each week to see what cars they have for sale."

Who knew?

Well she had a bit of an accident this summer when a fellow bargain hunter ran into her at a garage sale. She could have paid to have the 1997 Lumina with 200,000 miles on it fixed OR used the insurance money for a new car. That's what she decided to do. And yes, you can get a new car for $1,500. One year newer.

She now has a 1998 car with less than 100,000 miles and, much to her joy, air conditioning that works AND a cassette player. "I hated to give up my cassette player so it was like this was meant to be." She also said, "I'm like one of those modern people who can stand by their car and unlock it without touching it. Now that was an unexpected surprise!"

Too funny. Good for her. So glad she has something safe and reliable. And that she is so giddy about it!

After talking to her, I decided to get my own "giddy" on. Had a clothing store coupon expiring tomorrow so I just HAD to drive over to Stevens Point and Plover. So my sources of joy today were: Shopping with a big-ass coupon, followed by Carrot Cake Ice Cream at King Cone, rocking out to Mr. Roboto on the drive home and a serious nap in Mr. Deck Chair.

I guess I was tired. I was going to start my Book Club book and got 10 pages into and just needed to rest my eyes. I was out like a light. It was a power nap but it didn't give me any power when I woke up. I did not suddenly find myself with any ambition to get more done. But there's still hope. I have at least an hour before bedtime and a long weekend.

We'll see. Sylvester is laying across my computer keyboard giving me that "not likely" look. So I guess that's a cue to hang on to summer a few more days and enjoy!

Hope you can do the same!

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