Thursday, September 17, 2015

Finding Balance

Didn't I resolve a few weeks ago not to find so many excuses to skip exercise class? Huh. That time went by fast.

I honestly did have a sore back and did have to work late a few times, but I am resolving again to get back into my dedicated rhythm.

My fitness instructor always points out how we "practice balance" in every class. I know he is talking about strengthening ourselves so we don't fall and can't get up. But my head hears "work out one day and have ice cream or pizza the next." Isn't that finding balance?

Thankfully I coerced a girlfriend to try the class with me. So we went last night to cardio kickboxing and this morning (yup, the 5:40 a.m. class) for strength training. Early tomorrow morning will be another round of kickboxing. Like me, she says it's a lot of fun. I hope she sticks with it. It's always helpful to have someone with a like-minded goal pushing or pulling you along.

That's what the balance is. Some give and take so we stay on track.

I won't feel guilty that we had the pizza buffet at lunch. That was a company treat for working last weekend. If I sandwich in a few breadsticks between UBC (Ultimate Body Challenge) classes, I think I'll be OK.

Last time I checked, I had surpassed losing 15 pounds in 2015 and can do push-ups like nobody's business. So I didn't lose too much ground with my "let's go once a week and survive a killer session" attitude. But I'm happy to start mixing it up over 4-6 days again.

That'll help balance "Pumpkin Everything" season, right?

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