Saturday, August 27, 2016

Bogeys to Brides

Had quite the action-packed Saturday!  This was the fourth-annual golf outing to benefit the Assumption football program. The first year, hubby golfed and I joined him for the dinner afterward. I thought, why don't I golf, too? So I golfed with mixed groups the last two years and this year on an all-girl power team.

I never trust the forecast anymore. All week it was calling for 60% of rain. It rained overnight and in the morning even. You can see in the pictures how cloudy it was for our noon shotgun start, but we got lucky. It never rain on us all afternoon!

That was as far as the "luck" went. We may look like a fearsome foursome, but we are not ready for the LPGA tour – unless LPGA stands for Ladies, Please Go Away. We definitely had more Trump-style hair divots than pars. In fact, bogeys were the word of the day. That and FUN.

We really had a great time and managed to earn the Bronze! Whoo-hoo! Do I have to mention there were only 4 women's teams? Nah. I'll skip over that part and let you be suitably impressed.

After the outing and dinner, hubby and I rushed home to change clothes and head up to Marshfield for a wedding reception and dance. Well, mainly dance since we were leaving our house after 8 p.m.

The wedding was for the daughter of a cousin on the Austin side. Yup. An unusual streak of Austin weddings this summer. And one more coming up in October. Had a blast dancing with cousins and soon-to-be cousin (through marriage this fall)! After all those swings with my arms all afternoon, it felt good to do something with my legs!

Of course, getting home after midnight, I'll be feeling it Sunday!

From bogeys to brides to bed...

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