Thursday, August 18, 2016

Unexpected Scenes

Since the rain clouds were allegedly going to hold off until later tonight, we thought we'd try some paddling again without extra puddles. Still, we saw some scenes we weren't ready for...

Yes, this is real, folks. No, we didn't want to see it either. Thankfully, it was just this one tree that had decided to show its own colors. After that, we saw a few colors here and there on the river bank, but not whole trees like this one.

Whew. Still summer another day.

We dropped in at the Biron dam area again and headed around the big island. It was quite calm for the first half. Then suddenly we got to the end of the island to turn around and it was crazy waves. You can kind of tell from the picture above that the water was rolling.

That surprised us but it calmed down again as we began heading back to our starting point. 

No eagles tonight but we saw some heron, geese and ducks.

And these two sandhill cranes. I was very excited to see them in this cove and even more excited that they let me float close enough to take some pictures.

They never did fly off, but one walked away into a hiding spot.

And the other soon followed. Dang. Just as I was getting close.

I am amazed they didn't fly off but maybe they don't fly. What do I know? I just pretend to be a nature photographer!

We got back to shore as it was getting dark. That happens now at 8 o'clock. Yes, that and the colored leaves are sure signs of a changing season. We figure our post-work excursion days are numbered. Unless we keep them short.

Or stick to weekends.

Can't wait to see fall colors from the water – when the timing is appropriate – and perhaps some other feathered scenes we aren't ready for, but appreciate nonetheless.

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