Saturday, August 13, 2016

Piddle Paddle Puddle

Not sure where my blog from last night disappeared to so I will quickly recreate it here before we hit the road today...

Friday evening was the first time Mother Nature showered us with her blessings, so to speak, while kayaking. It was cloudy but we didn't expect rain in the immediate future. I guess that's why they call them "scattered" storms.

We dropped in at the Biron boat landing again but this time decided to go north toward the Biron Paper Mill. So weird to see it from the river angle. And smell it, too, of course.

As we approached the dam, the guys were giving us the impression they were totally going to go whitewater rafting! But no, we all turned around.

If we do train for the 2020 Olympics, though, it might be a good place to start.

Found a little inlet which may or may not go around another island. Didn't get a chance to find out once the rain hit.
Are we in the bayou?

I'm gullible so I don't know if this is true, but apparently this is a nest of sorts for wood ducks. An old propane tank? I don't know. You tell me.

 Isn't this pretty?

Wish we could have explored more but when the rain hit, it hit and we paddled very, very fast across the river to the boat landing!

I still managed a few pictures with my new phone.

Will have to work on the settings a bit.

Saw some wildlife, too, but never when I was ready for it! Dang. Didn't help the excursion was shortened.

All's well that ends well. Picked up fish fries and enjoyed some more water sports via the Olympics

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