Friday, August 19, 2016

Oh, Rain Man

A wise woman (who may or may not be my oldest sibling) reminded me recently that it is OK to relax. To not have all 1,440 minutes of the day accounted for. Oh, and to NOT feel guilty about it.

Why do we do that to ourselves?

I don't know. But I'm willing to try to fix it!

For the most part, I have gotten better about it this summer thanks to kayaking. Yes, something hubby and I can do together – and less expensive than golfing. Though I do enjoy that, too!

Tonight is the season opener for Assumption football. Jim is going to be one of the sideline statisticians this year so he will be going to every game. I would love to as well, but some of them are pretty far away and require leaving work early on Friday to get there.

Today's decision was easy. Game is way up in Thorp and the forecast called for 80% chance of rain today and 90% chance tonight. That's OK. You go. I'll stay home where I'll be warm and dry.

Stinkin' Rain Man was wrong!

Last reports from one of my friends up there, there has not been a drop of rain AND the Royals are kicking butt. Dang. That was the wrong call!

On the other hand, I had a good conversation with my twin on the phone and with a friend on a walk. Plus I got to see my boy a little bit before he jetted off to another social engagement. AND I finished a freelance project so my weekend can truly be free.

I am content with that. Yes, I have cleaning to do and all those other weekend "to do" items I carry over from week to week. But I guess as evidence has shown, they'll still be there next week!

Who knows if Rain Man will be right for Saturday or Sunday. I've got inside fun lined up to cover any forecast.

In the meantime, I can close my eyes tonight and know I did enough today. Not everything. But enough. And I'm OK with it.

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