Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Early Bird Specials

Not only do early birds get the worms. They also get first dibs on back-to-school sales in the neighborhood!

Went for a run before work this morning and came across these gems on the side of the road. Holy flashback!

If you are looking for a microwave or TV for your college kid, there are still bargains to be had – if you know where to look. I would have grabbed these but Carter's roommate is bringing the TV this year (hopefully bigger than this one) and there are microwaves on every floor of the residence hall. Otherwise, for sure, it would have been a screaming deal!

The only TV I had for college (and after) was a 13-inch black-and-white that I must have convinced my dad I needed. It used to sit in the basement at home but I somehow got it. Maybe because I was paying my way through college, it was my bonus??

Finally got a colored TV a few years into my single-hood when someone was going to junk theirs. It was heavy as heck and it had a remote that stuck in the TV. And it was stuck. Ha. Couldn't afford cable either, but I had a colored TV. Yay. Don't think I had a microwave for a long, long time after college. That would have been convenient, especially when I was renting a place where the stove rarely worked.

I know. I had it rough!

Thankfully we don't have any big-ticket items for Carter's first year. Yet, that is. I'm sure something will come up. For now he has has sheets and towels and laundry soap and more. I keep reminding him he needs actual back-to-school supplies, like a notebook for each class would be good. They're only 97 cents on sale right now.

Just think. For $6 you can cover your classes and the neighbor will throw in a free TV!

Love those Early Bird Specials, don't you?

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