Friday, April 7, 2017

Back to the Sixties

There's lots of reasons to like Fridays. End of the work week (for most) and the start of the weekend. When you have a forecast like this, it just adds an exclamation point to TGIF!!

Temps were decent enough in the low 50s today that I got out for a walk break at work and a walk after work. Tomorrow, though, look out!

I attempted to get my "inside" stuff done tonight, but that was interrupted by a yummy fish fry at Boone's Saloon and some freelance work. Will have to knock off chores in the morning so I can enjoy the home opener for the Assumption Royals baseball team in the afternoon.

If you are in a garage sale mood, Carter's former sitters are having their annual mega sale this weekend, too. Find all the goodies at 9410 80th Street South, Wisconsin Rapids. This is the first year I didn't contribute anything but there are still multi-, multi-, multi-families involved! Something for everyone. Seriously.

Crossing fingers for all – and Mr. Deck Chair – that the weather forecast is correct. Zero percent chance precipitation and mercury back in the 60s.

Happy spring! (again)

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