Sunday, April 30, 2017

Birthday Border Hopping

When it occurred to me that this was going to be the first birthday I wouldn't celebrate with my baby boy, I needed to find a reason to head south. As it turned out, a legitimate one materialized.

Since College Boy has to return his rented lofts next week, we had to get him the bed frame we've stored in his room at home all school year. Today, the day before his birthday, was actually the only day that worked. Completely mutually agreed upon by both parties.

So hubby and I hit the road at 9 a.m. and headed down to Platteville. We had to time it so we'd get there at noon because college kids need that 10-11 hours of sleep minimum on the weekends. So we dropped the headboard stuff off and gathered up items Carter won't need in the last 3 weeks of school.

Despite the pretty blooms of spring, Carter was hesitant to give up his winter jacket. I mean when I visited him in February, we walked around in short sleeves. Today was 40 and windy. B-r-r-r! Pretty trees on campus, though!

We headed for the border and beyond for birthday lunch. Yup, when your college campus is in the middle of nowhere, sometimes you have to go the next state to find a Buffalo Wild Wings.

Dubuque, Iowa, is a pretty town. In parts. We drove through the industrial area but there were a lot of pretty church spires jutting up to the clouds. Sometime on a nice day, we'll have to explore.

After lunch, it was time to head north and cross the Ol' Mississippi again.

Wisconsin welcomed us back but we didn't really have time to miss it! It was a pretty short visit since Carter had homework to do and meetings later in the day. While we did not have birthday cake, I did deliver plenty of Little Monster Cookies to keep his protein levels up a few days. Lots of peanut butter in those!

Since I was nice enough not to give him the surprise birthday treatment at B-Dubs, the almost birthday boy was willing to pose for one picture in front of the pretty tree in front of his dorm. "Make it quick," he said.

He's almost 19. He's got to be used to his mother embarrassing him by now, hasn't he?

Or was that why we had to go to a different state for lunch? Hmmm... He may be getting wise at his old age!

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