Friday, April 28, 2017

Spring Thaw? Naw.

If you see Mother Nature, could you please remind her that nowhere in the phrase "spring thaw" is the word snow or cold or freeze? Thanks.

We couldn't believe yesterday when we looked out the windows at work mid-morning that it was snowing. I mean we just figured the weather guys meant Up North. Certainly not Central Wisconsin. But there it was. And pretty, too.

People often say that folks who live in Wisconsin must be made of sturdy stock to survive winter after winter after winter. But what about our flowers? Talk about tough. Here they were beaten down by heavy snow and ice and rain. Some even buried a bit. I hope they recovered. It was too cold to walk outside today and check.

They did make for some pretty photos to mark the occasion of snow just 4 days before May...

By the way, I did not pick out the purple-and-yellow color scheme around the grounds at work, but I have no complaints. Especially during NFL draft week. Ha.

And there is some pink thrown in, too. None of them was safe from the anti-Spring Thaw!

I expected the snow to be gone by this morning, but no. It clung to the decks and to Carter's car. So I had to send him a picture in case he didn't believe me. Don't think they got anything down south where he is. I heard Up North they got like 4 inches of snow!

Suppose we can consider ourselves lucky. And while spring sports were called off yesterday, they were all on today. It was chilly but at least the sun was out to try to keep things more springy than wintry.

Since baseball was out of town, I stopped to see the middle school softball team play at home for a bit. They were playing Nekoosa, whose coach and two daughters (playing today) go to my church. So that was fun to capture a few pictures of them and of my Assumption baby girls who shouldn't be old enough to play middle school already!

I keep thinking my sweet little Ava is still a little second-grader. But no, she's a big (not really) 6th-grader and was fierce on the mound today. I adore this girl – and her big sisters and parents, who are good friends of ours.

That smile just melts my heart. I wonder if it will work on the snow, too!

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