Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Scrambled Eggs

This just in... Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs really ARE the cure for what ails you. Or we can pretend.

I laughed right out loud at this cartoon. Not because I have PMS or like chocolate bunnies, but because I have STRESS and I love chocolate (and peanut butter) Easter eggs.

It's one of those weeks where I have been chained to my desk most of the time. Early hours. Late hours. And stress eating in between. Today when I caught a break, I made an emergency run over to the IGA store nearby to get some Reese's eggs.

It had to be done.

And yes, for my sanity, it was an emergency.

Don't know if the peanut butter eggs cured everything, but they sure tasted good. It felt like a deserved treat. And I'll only beat myself up about my lack of self-control for another 10 minutes before I am sound asleep and we do it all over again tomorrow.

Meanwhile, with my head scrambled with all that time at work, Easter really did sneak up on me. So I am going to have to buy some more eggs (to share, of course) and other treats for the baskets. I typically buy enough for leftovers... a.k.a. My Belly.

People say they love Christmas candy and Valentine chocolate, but my favorite holiday food involves unlimited peanut butter eggs, jelly beans (not the black ones) and one, ultra-sweet Cadbury egg.

Thanks, Easter Bunny!

And now for my favorite bunny funny every year...

M-m-m... was just thinking Reese's bunnies are probably pretty tasty, too. What??

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