Friday, April 21, 2017

Family Day at the Ballpark

OK, a bit of a spoiler alert here. It was a long game and it was a good game (through 5 innings for the Royals, anyway). And it was a nice family day at the ballpark.

Anytime Stratford is in the house, Austins are sure to follow. My father-in-law and his family grew up there and graduated from high school there. Since some of his sibling stayed in the area, there is usually an Austin on one of their teams.

This time, it was a Jim's cousin's son Hunter, who plays JV but was called up to be on hand if they needed him.

So Jim's Uncle Jug and Aunt Pat made the trip down to watch the game, in case their grandson got to play.

Then there was the usual baseball brain trust of Uncle Joe and my father-in-law John. 

Assumption did have a lead through 5 innings. Then the Tigers rallied on some of our mistakes and pulled off a victory. Thus the big smile from Hunter Austin.

OK, that makes 5 Austins. Wait, we almost forgot my favorite: Coach Austin.

He likely smiled more about seeing family there than the final score. There were some great hits and nice plays by our guys, though. When I realized I took hundreds of photos, I figured I better at least acknowledge family first, Royals later.

Now it's bedtime so we can hit the road early and see my side of the family tomorrow. There will be games, too, but nothing requiring sliding into second or wearing extra layers for warmth.

I hope.

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