Saturday, August 31, 2019

Down in the Valley

A few years back, some smart people decided to buy up 1,700 acres of unimpressive, tumbling prehistoric sand dunes in central Wisconsin and turn it into a golf course. Well, 3 and counting. Oh, and somehow get people to fly in private jets to pay about $300 to WALK an 18-hole round. 

Wish I had been that smart!

Sand Valley opened in 2017. And yes, they built it and people have come. And keep coming. At first hubby didn't want to go see it unless he was golfing. Last year he got to golf there – thanks to winning some silent auction prize. And this year, he won it again and will golf there next week. Still, no visit for Robyn.

Until tonight.

We joined our next-door neighbors Niki and Mick and Mick's mom to visit Craig's Porch, where their daughter works. When we first drove into the grounds it was impressive. Hard to believe what they've created. 

Walking up the hill to the "snack shack" they call Craig's Porch it seemed like we were on a beach boardwalk.

Then you'd peer over sand dunes and see the course. Crazy cool!

The way Craig's Porch is situated, you can eat a very inexpensive meal ($1.50 tacos) and sit in Adirondack chairs while watching players on the 1st, 10th and 18th holes. So we parked ourselves there and enjoyed the food and the view. Did I mention they have amazing ice cream sandwiches, too? They do.

The guys – eating, drinking and talking golf.

Even though we watched putting on the 18th hole, we could have faced the other way to see the action on the 10th.

I took a short jaunt to check out the walking trail and other scenery and came across a Monarch tree – for lack of any other label. Was stunned and amazed.

They were all just hanging out there like they were getting ready for bed for the evening.

And others were eating nearby.

I need to get back there and take more pictures! I'm actually doing a senior shoot there this Saturday. Now I'm crazy exited.

We stayed long enough to see the sun starting to set. Gorgeous, huh?

And looking over the sand dunes on the way out, I was surprised not to hear waves lapping at some beach. Wow. Sorry it took so long to finally get there. But even seeing just a little section of the place, I have to say it was worth the wait.

Thanks for joining us via pictures!

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