Saturday, August 3, 2019

Trifle Busy Weekend

Adding the word "thin" to anything doesn't necessary mean it's healthy for you. Sure, it may be fewer calories, but only because of the compressed size. Not because fat calories got edged out by nutrition. Still, those new Reese's Thins are so good they pretty much HAVE to be good for you, right?

I decided to use them in a trifle recipe this morning and they did not disappoint. I was putting one together this morning for my friend's parents who were celebrating their golden anniversary today. I figured 50 years of marriage should be celebrated with the first perfect union: peanut butter and chocolate.

Don't you agree? I think the guests did, too. By the time I got to the party two hours into it, my only option was to lick the remnants out of the bowl. Which I may or may not have done on the way home!

I met with the family at 10 a.m. and took a few pictures before the party before going on a senior photo shoot at 11. That went really well. The boy was not enthused at first and hoped it wouldn't last too long. But he quickly got into and he went from Mr Shy to Mr GQ in 90 minutes flat.

Am I right?

I love my hobby! Definitely meet some great people and get to bring joy to a few, too. Tomorrow will include two photo shoots as well. Hopefully the weather stays gorgeous (a little cooler than today would be welcome) so I can get them both done.

Also hope to squeeze in some time with Mr College, too. He's home this weekend for a wedding but got here last night well after midnight and was gone to the wedding and fun before I got home from my shoot. So... shoot! Haven't seen him yet.

Always a trifle busy around here.

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