Monday, August 26, 2019

Past Their Prime? Nope

Awhile ago, it seemed we couldn't go 24 hours without rain. As I looked at my apparently neglected hanging baskets yesterday, I realized we've had a bit of a dry spell.

Thankfully today, the one day I have no outdoor plans, we got rain. And rain. I realized that not only were my annuals wilting, my shriveling perennials (above) are pretty much past their prime as well.

[Let's pause a moment and observe that Mizz Two Black Thumbs here knows the difference between annuals and perennials. I don't know how to keep them alive. But I know what they are.]

OK. Onto my point of being past their prime. Maybe they're just in post-season for the summer but pre-season for a long rest over winter. We are only past our prime if we let ourselves believe it! God bless people like my twin sister who realizes it's just post- and pre-season.

Today was her first day of college. Ever. Yup, since she's my age she's tipped the 50 mark. But yup, she believes we're never too old to learn.

She'll be studying business management through the Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College (WITC) in Rice Lake. [That's Up North, somewhat in the neighborhood of Luck.] She'll still work her full- and part-time jobs because she's a tireless rock star that way. But this hopefully will open new doors for her. Doors she can walk through with pride – and with a smile.

Good luck, Loving Sister! You got this! Thanks for inspiring us to realize it's never too late to make a difference in our own lives or other's.

We're never past our prime. If we don't want to be.

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