Sunday, August 4, 2019

Syrupy Sweet

When I wasn't looking, I became my mother. Well, any "old lady," if I really want to stereotype.

I reach in my purse for a cough drop in church this morning and pull out a syrup bottle from Cracker Barrel last weekend. I've officially become THAT old lady.

I honestly forgot it was there. And no, I didn't really steal it. The waitress gave me two bottles for just two pancakes, so it's like she wanted me to have it. I'm just glad I have it in the kitchen cupboard now before some accident happened and the police would wonder why I'm carrying around maple syrup. What sort of emergency calls for it? Random waffle delivery?

I have no answers.

My other "sweet" moment of the day was the half hour or so that Carter was home before heading back to Platteville. He was dropping a friend (and his dog) off in Madison on the way. So we also got a little "big sweetie" doggie time! Artemis Rose is a big sweetie, for sure.

And so is Mr. College. Did not get nearly enough time with him. But I gave him several hugs goodbye on behalf of all of you!

In between the sweet stuff, I had two photo shoots in the hot sun. But survived and I am happy with the results. Full day but I can relax at work tomorrow. Ha.

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