Friday, August 30, 2019

Simultaneously Downsizing and Upsizing

It's always a fun time at the annual physical. Said no one ever. I knew going into it today that I had gained back the weight I lost before last year's visit. But that wasn't the worst of it. In a nutshell, I'm shorter and fatter than a year ago.

Wait. Shorter?? Well, allegedly.

The nurse-medical-type lady took my weight and height. She said I was 5 feet, 1 3/4 inches. Not 5' 2" as previously reported. (Or the 5' 3" on my driver's license, for that matter.) Before I could demand a recount, she says, "Oh that happened to me, too. I lost an inch and I'm only 45."

Oh, I feel so bad for you, Miss 5'8" Nurse Lady that you aren't 5'9" anymore. Sigh...

Anyway, my doctor was nice and even said, "I'm not going to pick on you about your weight. I probably have the same BMI." I'm allegedly in an "overweight but healthy enough" range that I should live 5-8 years longer. Longer than who or what, I don't know.

Also, my cholesterol is dang good. So this King Cone diet is good for something, I guess!

In fact, I went there to celebrate. Hey, I passed the physical, so cheers to good health!

Now I just have to find the right flavor to make me taller...

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