Monday, August 19, 2019

Playing Telephone

You young folks really have to stretch your imagination to realize what these two boys are doing is called "playing telephone." Yup. We'd string two tin cans together and have conversations. The sound didn't really travel through the "line" but sort of echoed in the can a bit. Either way, you'd pretend you were talking and listening anyway.

That's how it is now when my signal drops or connection gets sketchy. Both happened tonight.

Called my mom on our land line since that's usually clearer. I decided to multi-task and get steps on the driveway but quickly realized I couldn't venture too far from the house and keep my signal! Still, I got my steps and had a nice conversation with Mom.

When I got in the house, the land line rang and it was Carter's number showing up. Here he tried to call my cell but got some message it wasn't in service. Apparently, my office walls are steel vault. I never can get calls on my cell in there. Don't know if it's Verizon or my phone. I kind of think it's a good excuse to phone shop! Either way, it was great hearing from him for no special reason.

I kind of felt like I was playing telephone. Got to talk up a generation and down a generation and I was feeling the love on the "line" in between. I like that kind of signal.

A lot.

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