Saturday, October 12, 2019

Cold Hands (and Camera), Warm Hearts (and Belly)

Cold hands, warm hearts was definitely the theme of the day. Woke up to these types of temperatures and it didn’t get much warmer than that.

I had told myself if it rained, I pretty much wouldn’t leave the house. But since it was just chilly (and mostly sunny), I decided to pop over to the Ridges Golf Course and watch our Assumption runners in the Lincoln High School cross country invitational.

It was sooooo windy and yeah, very chilly. I felt bad for the runners! I had bundled up since I didn't have to run for time – just run from spot to spot to take pictures. Even then... B-R-R-R!

I was captured capturing photos. And you can tell a person had to really layer up. Naturally, I forgot gloves (obviously not prepared for this weather) so had to sit in the car after the varsity races to warm up my camera before the girls JV race. I suppose I warmed up myself a bit as well.

After the invitational, I headed home, downed hot coffee and hubby and I headed down to the Whiskey Rapids Saloon for a pot luck and to watch the Badgers game. It started snowing on the way there. Nothing stuck, though. Yet.

Good food. Great game. Big win. Wonderful seeing friends.

That's how you spend a cold and blustery day in autumn.

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