Monday, October 28, 2019

Not Your Ordinary Pumpkins

If you're still looking for ideas on how to decorate your pumpkin this Halloween, look no further. Here are a handful from a competition at work today. This isn't even our marketing department, which just goes to show we don't hold the corner on creativity in our building!

I think their only rule was to use the pumpkin. Obviously, they weren't required to carve it and could even cover it up. Take a look and be impressed...

Step aside. FBI here!

Can I pick your brain a minute?

Bath time for Grandma!

Mr. Cool Cactus. I hear he's prickly.

Waiting for the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! Love this!

A tasty caramel apple! Cool.

Ice cream cone! Surprisingly I didn't vote for this one.

 My second favorite. I just wanted to pick it up and drink it!

Cute frog!


Knowing this was from the scary IT movie... no thank you!

And my favorite? Mike Wazowski from Monsters, Inc.! What an awesome job!

Are your creative juices flowing yet? I'm not sure who won but they were all great. I don't even have a pumpkin – real or fake – sitting out this year. They should auction these off for lazy procrastinators like me.

I have started to eat the Halloween candy meant for trick-or-treaters, so don't accuse me of not getting into the spirit. There's still time. If nothing else, the cobwebs in my windows will double as decorations. Works every time. 

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