Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Talking Turkey

Question: Why did the turkeys cross the road?
Answer: To make Robyn late for church or work or anything. Just late.

I've learned you don't want to hit a turkey while driving because it's like colliding with a flying bowling ball. So I let this brood have the right of way across Deer (not Turkey) Road.

It's a dangerous time of year. Not just for pre-Thanksgiving turkeys, but drivers who have to look for the abundance of sexually active deer in hot pursuit across roadways. Wisconsin commutes are never boring!

Seeing the turkeys reminded me of a funny story I forgot to share from last week's business trip to Portland.

When it was nearing sunset at the greenhouse we were visiting, we saw this turkey up on a fence. We were pretty curious how on earth it could just sit there when a dog (out of sight and on the other side of the fence) was barking and barking nonstop. Was the turkey deaf? Or just plain stupid? Their brains are the size of a pea, after all.

Come to find out, the owners' grandsons (ages 3 and 2) were raising the turkey. And his name, according to the boys' mom? Golden Delicious.

Is that not classic? Needless to say, she said if we visited after Thanksgiving, he wouldn't be around to gobble or say hello. We found it hilarious, but we'll see how the boys take it.

If they're like me, I enjoy my turkey on Thanksgiving. I just don't need to know where it came from. Or what his name was.

RIP Golden Delicious!

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