Friday, October 11, 2019

Electric Blanket Warning

If you hadn't heard – or were just ignoring the plummeting temps all day – a freeze is expected tonight across Wisconsin. I guess temperatures will dip down into the 20s for almost everyone. Mother Nature does not play favorites.

Back up home, cloud cover and winds may limit the frost factor somewhat (especially across northwestern Wisconsin), but overall this freeze will likely signal the end to the growing season across the state. That's big news in my area because, well, we're cranberry country!

I definitely don't have to worry about any "tender plants" because I already killed those off with my two black thumbs. But there's more to the freeze warning than meets the eye...

The forecast dudes also say the first snowfall of the season is expected by tomorrow evening into tomorrow night, with 0-2 inches of snow possible across central and northern Wisconsin.

That means the electric mattress pad is on (like most nights, ha) and I can turn on the heat (guilt-free). It also means I can ignore kitty's pleas to open a door or window so she can watch the night time activity and feel the fresh air. Based on the very loud wind chime outside my office window, I'm thinking you're not quite prepared for wind chills, Sylvester!

Lord knows I'm not.

Bundle up, my friends. Looks like a good weekend to drink hot coffee, make some soup, and bake!

Or snuggle under a warm blanket and watch the Badgers or Hallmark.

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