Sunday, October 13, 2019

White Celebration Confetti

Finally got to see my boys in purple pull off a victory today. They were on TV here since the Green Bay team plays on Monday Night Football.

By the time I got home from late church, I had to quickly whip on my purple and take my seat! First half was a joy to watch, as we were kicking the Eagles' butt a bit. I was happy as I took a walk at halftime until... what is this white stuff raining down?!

It looked like snow. Sort of. More like if someone exploded the innards of a bean bag chair. Ya know? Little white balls. Weird. I think I'm gonna go with white celebration confetti!

It was like the Eagles were trying to rain, er snow, on our parade. But nope. Not today, birds.

It was a closer second half but we came away with a 38-20 win. That left the rest of the afternoon to do chores and get some stuff done around the house.

I must have had a black-out or purple-out because while I know I didn't do those things, I can't think of what I did with the rest of my day. There was a nice phone conversation with my mom in there. And one load of laundry. The rest? Not sure.

You might have to ask Mr. Recliner about that.

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