Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Domestic Diva

The princess was so happy to have her human back tonight that she helped me clean! And by clean, I mean whip her tail across my computer screen, dusting it off while she shed hair on my computer desk and keyboard.

Still, I won't be mad.

Somehow during this 3 days away from Jim, she coped with her separation anxiety like a royal. The little diva did not puke anywhere and did not poop anywhere outside her litter box. Seriously, the first time ever.

I can't figure out if this is a good sign or not. What if she has Diva Dementia and forgot to miss him? What if they were texting back and forth while I was at work? What if she hid piles of "something" that I'll discover some day soon?

As guess as long as she's showing her domestic side and helping with the chores, I don't care.

Here kitty, kitty! Let's see how that tail brushes the toilet!

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