Sunday, February 2, 2020

Groundhog Meltdown

If we're going to re-live Groundhog Day like the movie, I'm OK with that. Look at our unseasonably warm AND SUNNY day we had in central Wisconsin. We set a record of 49! It was almost enough to motivate me to open the windows and do spring cleaning! I said almost.

The great Groundhog Meltdown of 2020 began in earnest, though. There were reflections on Lake Austin by early afternoon. And thanks the to the Super Bowl and its related party, I didn't get out and walk much. But I did snag a spot in a short car wash line right before kickoff!

Since both football teams are red teams, I finally debuted my Christmas present – that arrived a few weeks ago. It's the 2019 Wisconsin 8-Man Football State Champions jacket for my one and only Luck Cardinals. Nice, huh? Jim worked secretly through my sister Rachel to get that purchased for me. Thanks!

We partied at our friend Chet's house. And by party, I mean ate lunch there at 2 p.m. (a crockpot palooza), Jim shook dice for some 6 hours while I came home and sipped tea and crocheted while watching the first half, shook my hips for the halftime (I'll feel that tomorrow), and went back to the party for the second half – in case I needed to collect any money.

I didn't.

At least I enjoyed some good commercials and a great game that held the interest of non-fans until the end.

Of course, if we are going to re-live Groundhog Day, I'd put my name in a different spot on those boards. And probably not make as many treats. Hopefully my co-workers have given up on their New Year's resolutions by now and will eat them up tomorrow!

If February 3rd comes, that is. Happy Groundhog Day!

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