Wednesday, December 23, 2020

A Tale of Two Cities

Hold your horses, Ebenezer, I have the right Charles Dickens novel in mind today. And perhaps a Seinfeld episode, too.

How unusual for us to have no grievances with the weather the day before Christmas – also known as Festivus for the rest of us. Thank you, Frank Costanza. Naturally, I took a good walk in the nice fresh air at lunch today. And I didn't even need a jacket.

If you zoom in, you'll see I'll need one tomorrow with a high of 10 degrees. Bah humbug! Poor Santa.

Meanwhile today, in a city far, far away (well Minneapolis, plus all of northwest Wisconsin), they needed more than a jacket. They needed shovels, plows, and those chains you put on tires. That might not have been enough.

By pure coincidence, my family lives in the purple zone. The one that says "extreme impact" and "travel not advised." Based on stories from my siblings, they were all quite grateful to drive home safely today.  Uff da.

Meanwhile, the light blue zone flows like a river of "minor impact" from here to Platteville. So Mr. Independent made it home just fine this afternoon for a dental appointment. Oh, and Christmas. Yay for holiday hugs!

My commute across the hallway today was uneventful. Worked the day and logged off for the last time in 2020. Hello, vacation. Hello, relaxation. Hello, eggnog-ation. Hello, Hallmark Nation.

Oh, and merry Christmas to Mr. Scrooge, Mr. Dickens and friends. God bless us, everyone!

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