Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Catching Moments

I can't believe it's Hump Day already. I was pretty sure it was only Tuesday yet. I suppose that explains why I've actually gotten a few things done around here! It happens when you can catch moments of time here and there.

Last evening I was catching moments of action on the middle school basketball court. Due to the COVID craziness, that was the only home sports action in town. Well, close to that. A lot of high school events called off or postponed while teams quarantine. 

I was glad that the middle school boys were at home so I could at least get one more shot at capturing images of each player. I think I have or am close. So I was up late futzing with those files and before I knew it, it was past my bedtime.

So with new focus on self-care and all that, I just went to bed and didn't blog. Catching moments of rest and relaxation. See, you obviously didn't miss a thing!

Tonight after work I baked some more goodies and then tackled the Christmas card list. 

Since we print our labels at home, I have the names and addresses in word label files. That's turned into a mess since we continually get changes or are adding new people since that rumor on the internet that says we KNOW EVERYBODY isn't true. So tonight I whipped it in order. Not exact order, but organized by groups like family, cousins, school and college friends, work friends from forever, neighbors, etc. Long overdue little project.

I also got my bajillion postage stamps. Now I just need the Christmas cards to arrive. Think I'll catch a few moments with my crochet hook and Hallmark until they do.

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