Saturday, December 5, 2020

Robyn's Day In

When wake-up temps seem too December-y, you might as well stay inside the for day. You know what else helps? Cranking the oven for 5 hours.

Yup, Robyn's Day In was a Mrs. Claus meets Betty Crocker kind of day. I won't tell you my complete surprise I'm working on, but I will say I'm about 18 dozen items into it.

One thing I learned today – or was reminded of, I should say – is that traditions aren't as fun by yourself. Mr. College Boy (graduating in one week) used to be my right-hand man with holiday treats – especially the taste-testing parts. One thing we always made was "pretzel doughnuts."

I melted the almond bark and dipped the pretzel rings and it was his job to get a moderate (vs dumping) amount of sprinkles on each before the almond bark hardened. He thought they looked like decorated doughnuts so we just always called them pretzel doughnuts. I sent him this picture today and told it just wasn't the same without my helper.

And it wasn't. But the Christmas spirit show must go on!

That's why tonight kitty and I had a Girls' Night In after the man of the house went golfing – indoor simulator, that is.

Sylvester hunkered down by the tree and she let me pick the first Hallmark Christmas movie. And the second. She's a fun girl to hang out with on the Saturday night.

I think I might be able to squeeze in one more before hubby gets home. Let me don my apparel of a comfy robe and get to it. It'll be our girls' tradition!

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