Tuesday, December 22, 2020

ISO Three Wise Men

Apparently, Sylvester is looking for three wise men. Good luck, sister! Now if you want to find three wise acres (PG version), you don't have look too far. Hop to the other chair to start. Then saunter down the driveway to greet one of the wise neighbors!

I don't need three wise men. I could use about three days, though. The fact that we got three more seconds of daylight today isn't exactly putting time on my clock. You know, for shopping and Christmasy stuff.

I guess if our baby is coming home for the holiday, we should have something besides frozen pizza for Christmas dinner. Though Sylvester says none of the wise or unwise men would complain. I also kinda sorta didn't really get him anything. We gave the graduate his Christmas gift early to celebrate his accomplishment. Now, well, there's nothing else. Ugh. And he's actually on Santa's nice list. Sigh. 

Tick tock. Tick tock.

If that Christmas star is really shining this week, maybe kitty and I will both get our miracles.

I believe, don't you?

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