Monday, December 14, 2020

Just Shootin' Hoops

Because it's 2020 and quarantines impact high school winter sports more than the weather, only our JV boys enjoyed their home opener tonight. 

I got some nice shots of my good friend Jenny's son playing (above). He had more than a dozen points, I believe. It's hard to keep one eye through the lens and the other actually paying attention! At least I didn't get hit by any flying objects this time.

Got home in time to catch a little of The Voice finale and upload pictures. 

It would have been a good Monday except someone ruined it when they casually mentioned that it's Christmas next week. Next week?! What have I been doing? Sure, I've been baking and got our cards sent, but not shopping. I'm going to blame the fact that all three boys have been negligent in submitting their lists. 

Looks like I've got plans for open nights this week, after all. Sigh. Maybe I'll just keep shooting hoops until Santa swoops in and saves the day.

I believe.

Do you?


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