Saturday, December 26, 2020

Socially Long Distancing

When you come from a family of 8 kids and we have spouses or kids or both, it's a big crowd at holidays. Probably bigger than governors in either Minnesota or Wisconsin would allow. So we had to cancel a physical Hedberg Christmas party this year. But today, the virtual one was on!

There were some connectivity issues here and there, but I at least got see about 20 family members on the call at various times today. That includes my mom – thanks to my sister Rachel for having her over and showing her what the Internet is and, most importantly for today, what Zoom is.

Usually we put on a program for Dad and Mom (just Mom now), so a few people had some songs and poems. 

And Mom was even singing and yodeling! That was a treasure!

Due to the pandemic, I hadn't seen 90% of the family since last year's Christmas celebration. Now some of my great-nephews are old enough to talk and sing. That's a measure of what can happen a in year. I got a lump in my throat. Just thinking of how much togetherness we missed out on. It's so sad. Yet so out of our control!

All we can do is stay smart and stay patient so we can stay healthy. 

When we do have the next family gathering, those long "Hedberg goodbyes" are going to be epic! Cannot wait.

Sending virtual hugs to all my family – and friends who are like family – this holiday season!

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