Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Whirlpool Wonderland

One of the thrills of home ownership is asking Santa for shiny new appliances and he actually delivers. Another legitimate joy of home ownership is replacing an appliance before you HAVE to. And when Santa makes both Christmas wishes come true, it's a wonderful life.

Meet Mr. Whirlpool dishwasher. He's been living at our house longer than we have and, folks, that's coming up on 20 years. Oh if Mr. Whirlpool could talk!

Hubby and I have actually had conversations over the past couple of years about replacing it before it came down to some emergency flood in the house or something worse. Yet, we just haven't. We pushed or luck and this time, the kitchen gods smiled on us.

I think I've mentioned how this pandemic forces us to spend more time at home, which leads to really looking at your home, which leads to a home improvement project. Or two or three. Remember my new nightlight the other day? Well home improvement project number 2 arrived today via Santa's Best Buy sleigh...

Meet Mr. Bosch, hailing from Black Friday Land. He literally moved in the moment Mr. Whirlpool moved out. It was seamless. 

Mr. Whirlpool was getting a little noisy in his older years, but oh so reliable. How will this new guy stack up? 

From our first interaction, we agree Mr. Bosch is neat and clean, but pretty sophisticated. We'll have to spend some time getting to know him, especially since we're from different generations. (Us and Mr. Bosch – not me and my mister.) We're pretty confident we'll like him. And, knock on wood, he doesn't cause any problems. In fact, Mr. Bosch is so quiet, we might forget he's even here. 

Thank you, Santa! It's good to be on the nice list.

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