Monday, December 21, 2020

The Long and Short of It

Happy Winter Solstice? Do we say that? Maybe in some countries where the "winter "part of that sentence is more welcoming. 

I'm just glad that the shortest day of the year fell on a Monday this year. Mondays need to be as short as possible! Yes, I'm aware there are still 24 hours in the day, but this is the little mind game I play with myself when I only have two more days of work now until WINTER vacation. I like the sound of that kind of winter.

I often overlook that this is, by nature of fractions, the longest night of the year. I should already be in bed then! I'm too old to think party all night. I'm like 9 hours of sleep on my heated mattress pad will do! Also not going to happen.

What is going to happen now is... winter will really arrive – as soon as Christmas Eve day actually, with its high of 11 or something. But, on the plus side, the days will start getting longer. Let me rephrase that, there will be a longer segment of time when there is light. Yay!

And tonight we were all supposed to enjoy the light of the Christmas star.  Hope some of you could. It was cloudy and precipitating here in central Wisconsin. The longest night and no stars. See why that whole sleeping for 9 or 10 hours sounds good? Not missing a thing.

Though I do have some girls basketball photos to go through from tonight's rough loss against Aquinas. That does make for a long night. Sorry, girls. Keep hustling. The light is about to shine on you!

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