Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Be Careful, Mother Nature

Mother Nature's on somebody's list around here. This is the "we are not amused" look I get when we have open windows and fresh air one day... And the next we're housebound again and it's rainy, foggy, and gloomy. 

Kitty doesn't like it. I'd watch your back, Mother Nature.

I can hear it pouring out right now, but there was just enough of break in the clouds for me to sneak a short walk at lunch. I learned a few things.

One, I'm glad Carter doesn't have his car parked in the front yard like the "old days." Mother Nature is building some sort of lake out there. Also, although you can barely see it in the picture, there was fog coming up from all the snow banks today. Kind of weird and kind of cool. I probably should have captured that earlier in the day when you could see it better.

The other side effect of melting snow is the big reveal of what's underneath. Mostly dog poop. And this sure sign of spring: the Fireball Flower. (Whisky and WATER anyone?) There was also a Busch bush and some other leftovers from kids or snowmobilers (or rowdy walkers) who did not give a hoot – and polluted. 

I'll have to bring a bag and some gloves next time. I've sure everything has been cleaned in the rain but, eh, I've become a bit of a germ-a-phobe in the past year.  Plus, even though Mother Nature doesn't give a hoot about Sylvester's feelings, I care about Mother Earth. 

And I'm concerned she has a drinking problem.

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