Saturday, March 6, 2021

Saturday on Ice

The spring meltdown continues. Water is opening up on the east end of Lake Wazeecha, but there were dozens of ice fishermen and women on the other end of the small lake today. Guess everyone needs one more Saturday on ice before it's dangerously thin slush.

My Saturday partly on ice and partly AT ice.

One of my coworkers is the total team mom on her son's hockey team up in Mosinee – that's just north of Stevens Point for you non-locals. Today they were hosting one of the many state tournaments for the 10U Squirts. She asked me awhile back if I could shoot a game and it worked out great to combine it with other errands in that neck of the woods. Well, namely shopping.

I was excited their team is purple because, well, PURPLE!! I fit right in. Including the fact these were little 10-year-olds and about my height or less. Such a bunch of little cuties. I accidentally took some 600 photos. You know. Typical game shoot. Especially when I was aiming to get pictures of each kid. I hope I did!

It was just nice to see a once familiar face after working remotely for a year. And even though the lost the game, it was nice to do a somewhat normal activity!

Got home in time to walk around the lake in the sunshine. It got to 40-something today like it has for several days. Just enough to melt snow on the path around the lake – but reveal the ice layer.  Yup, the other part of my Saturday "on ice." 

I count myself lucky I didn't fall on my face or my backside! There were several close calls though. Think I'll stick to the road tomorrow. I have no Sunday appointments with ice! 

But here's a few of my faves today of the Squirts! You'll just want to hug 'em! Enjoy and good night!

Getting the crowd fired up. Love it!

And the sneakiest goal I've ever seen! Dang.

You can't tell with the helmet on, but my friend's son has purple hair! Maybe I need to move to Mosinee.

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