Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Spring Meltdown

If you're wondering why I still like to watch a kid movie now and then, it's this. Whether it's Saturday morning cartoons or Pixar films on the big screen, they can make even ugly things beautiful – and funny, even.

Case in point: Scrat the squirrel from the Ice Age movies. In his quest for that acorn, he was stretched to the limits, sometimes falling thousands of feet, other times trying to swim, and many times frozen in ice. Yes, there was still ice in the Ice Age.

Here he is slowly melting out of his ice cube while the acorn stays just out of reach. Cute, right?

The reality looks something like this...

You can thank me for not zooming in further. Seriously, you can't tell but he's floating in water that was probably ice this morning. Pleasant sight on my springtime walk after work! I'm kind of scared of seeing what else the spring sunshine will reveal this week!

Needless to say, I need to watch a Pixar movie or at least a quick SpongeBob episode before I go to bed.  Something to prevent me from having my own spring meltdown! 

Be careful out there and watch your step!

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