Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Luck of the Non-Irish

Happy St. Patrick's Day! My hubby is about an eighth Irish, I believe. So that counts! As a 100 percent Scandi-hoovian and zero percent Irish, my only luck is that I'm from Luck. 

How do you find Luck on St. Patrick's Day? You might need GoogleMaps, but it's there. Think northwest Wisconsin. Nope, not Eau Claire area. Keep going!

The town, er village, was so big we have two water towers. Actually the one up top is the newer one, but this one is still standing on the north end of Main Street. (As of Sunday anyway, when we drove by.)

Our high school yearbook was the Horseshoe. Our newspaper was the Cloverleaf. And our mascot was... not a leprechaun. Definitely not a leprechaun. Too many Scandi-hoovians in the area! They went with the bland cardinal for a mascot. At least it's red and pretty.

Hopefully, it's Luck-y too!

Of course, in true Irish poser fashion, I celebrated wearing green today (and I do have green eyes), wore shamrock sunglasses during work Zoom meetings, and sucked down a Shamrock Shake after work! Now Jim is gone to indoor golf league and this little leprechaun from Luck might just start watching a new series on Netflix.

Who's lucky now?

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