Friday, March 5, 2021

Girls Night In, Definitely In

While the man of the house is away, the girls will play. And by play, I mean grab a comfy spot and stay there. All night.

Since Jim had to work his church fish fry tonight (dishwasher), we girls decided to take advantage of having the house to ourselves and, more importantly, the remote.

So after a walk in the sunshine and 40-degree temps, I ran (drove) into town to the movie theater to get a curbside pickup of popcorn. While waiting for a stoplight, we probably looked like two bags heading out for a good time. Or at least the bag part.

Got home and Sylvester claimed her spot on the heated tile floor (she can have it) and I turned on Netflix. I finished the Emily in Paris series. Really liked it! Watched 3 episodes of Firefly Lane and haven't decided if I'm committing to it yet. 

And yes, I am one of those people who can stop watching a movie in the middle or quit reading a book halfway through if I'm not into it. My time is valuable. To me. So why waste it? It should give you joy, as Marie Kondo is fond of saying. Well, back when I listened to her at the beginning of this pandemic.

Since I'm so restless, though, and had nothing to multi-task with – except the eating part – I am on an episode break right now. Got the house vacuumed and am blogging. And will resume my regularly scheduled Friday night momentarily.

Oh snap. Just heard the door. Darn fish fry got done early!

There's always next week.

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