Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Cat Hair, Don't Care

Today was Sylvester's day to have wild hair. No wind needed!

She'll lay still and let her human cut off the knotted clumps – you know, after he's given her a nice scratchin' back massage! And yeah, she does have a lot of hair doesn't she?! 

There's more little knots these days. We think maybe because she's 80 in cat years, that she's slowing down a bit and not having the energy for personal hygiene. C'mon, you all know that one old person that seems to forget to shower.

Oh wait, that old person is me in my "working from home" environment!

Seriously though, as much as I tease about her being our Princess Pukes-A-Lot or Poops-A-Lot, I adore her and want her around just a bit longer. She seems fine in every other way so I guess we'll just brush her more and give hair cuts as needed (and by "we" I mean Jim).

And really, how can one really tell when a cat slows down? I mean then sleep 15-20 hours a day. What's the tipping point? 

I figure since I want a dog, our feline princess will be around a lotta years yet! The hair apparent to the throne.

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