Saturday, July 17, 2021

Crowd Pleasers

Being in the center of the state means we have a lot of state championships held right here in Wisconsin Rapids – or close by.

This weekend is the annual Wisconsin State Waterskiing Championship at Red Sands Beach (note the red sand) on Lake Wazeecha.

After assuring hubby and handy neighbor had the water heater purchase and installation well in hand, I decided to get my steps in by walking over to the ski show and shooting pictures of the team I've sort of adopted. 

It was a gorgeous day and great show by the Shermalot Ski Team, if I do say so myself. Here's a few pictures...

I love shooting the jumpers. So much going in a split second that it's hard to capture – and cool when I do.

Always impressed with the bare-footers no matter how they get into position. Ouch, ouch, ouch, if you ask me!

And having 18 ballerinas pop off the dock and stay up for several synchronized moves is no easy feat. Was so excited they did it without leaving anyone in the water or on the dock. 

It was a great show. There's one more day of team competition tomorrow. If you're in the central Wisconsin area, check out the free entertainment! Parking is $3 if you can get in. Or get your 10,000 steps walking to and from the lake from my house! For free!

P.S. Just learned that "my" team took the state championship for division 2! Woo-hoo!

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